Balint literature includes some classic works written by Michael and Enid Balint, and members of their early groups. Although the health care environment has changed, the messages and stories contained in the books remain relevant to the present day. The lists which follow should be regarded as a sample; for example, they exclude publications in languages other than English.
The Balint Society holds an electronic record of all years of the Journal of the Balint Society. If you would like to have a copy of a paper please email the details to the Balint Society Administrator via the Contact Us menu at the top of the page. The International Balint Federation is currently working to produce a comprehensive bibliography. A link to this will be added when it is available.
The UK Balint Society hosted the IBF Congress in Oxford in 2017. To read a slightly modified version of the conference proceedings click 20th IBF Congress Proceedings
A Balint Bibliography
- Balint, M. The doctor, his patient and the illness. London. Pitman Medical. 2nd edition (1964, reprinted 1986) Edinburgh:Churchill Livingstone; 1957.
- Balint, M., Balint, E. Psychotherapeutic techniques in medicine. London:Tavistock publications; 1961.
- Balint, M., Balint, E., Gosling, R., Hildebrand, P. A study of doctors. London: Tavistock publications; 1966.
- Balint, M., Joyce, D., Marinker, M., Woodcock, J. Treatment or diagnosis: a study of repeat prescriptions in general practice. London: Tavistock publications; 1970.
- Balint, E., Norell, J., Eds. Six minutes for the patient: interaction in general practice consultations. London: Tavistock publications.; 1983.
- Balint, E., Courtenay, M., Elder, A., Hull, S., Julian, P. The doctor, the patient and the group: Balint revisited. London and New York: Routledge; 1993.
- Balint, E., Mitchell, J., Parsons, M. Before I was I: psychoanalysis and the imagination. London and New York: Guildford press; 1993.
- Clyne, M. Night calls: a study in general practice. London: Tavistock publications;1966.
- Clyne, M. Absent: school refusal as an expression of distorted family relationships. London: Tavistock publications; 1966.
- Courtenay, M. Sexual discord in marriage. London: Tavistock publications; 1968.
- Greco, R., Pittenger, R. One man’s practice: effects of developing insight on doctor-patient transactions. London: Tavistock Publications; 1966.
- Elder, A., Samuel, O. Eds. While I’m here, doctor: a study of the doctor/patient relationship. London: Tavistock publications; 1987.
- Hopkins, P. Ed. Patient-centred medicine (Proceedings of the first International Balint Congress). London: Regional doctor publications; 1972.
- Hopkins, P. Ed. The human face of medicine (Proceedings of the third International Balint Congress). Tunbridge Wells: Pitman medical; 1979.
- Lask, A. Asthma: attitude and milieu. London: Tavistock publications; 1966.
- Salinsky, J. Ed. Proceedings of the 11th International Balint Congress. Southport: Limited Edition Press; 1999.
- Salinsky, J., Sackin, P. What are you feeling , doctor? Identifying and avoiding defensive patterns in the consultation. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd; 2000.
- Salinsky, J. Chapter on ‘Balint groups’ in Supervision and support in general practice. Eds J Burton and J Launer. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd; 2003.
- Stewart, H. Michael Balint: object relations, pure and applied. London: Routledge; 1996.
- Tunnadine, D., Green, R. Unwanted pregnancy – accident or illness? Oxford: OUP; 1978.
Some papers about Balint groups
- Adams, K.E., O’Reilly, M., Romm, J., James K. Effect of Balint training on resident professionalism. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006; 195 (5): 1431-1437.
- Airagnes, G., Consoli, S.M., De Morlhon, O.,Galliot, A-M., Lemonge, C. and Jaury, P. Appropriate training based on Balint groups can improve the empathic abilities of medical students: A preliminary study. Journal of Psychosomatic research. 2014; 76: 426-429.
- Balint, E. The possibilities of patient-centered medicine. Journal of Royal College of General Practitioners. 1969; 17: 269.
- Balint-Edmonds, Enid. The doctor – patient relationship in the 1980s. Journal of the Balint Society. 1981; 9: 12-19.
- Courtenay, M.J.F. The place of Balint-work in medicine: looking back –looking forward. Journal of the Balint Society. 1984; 12: 8-11.
- Fitzgerald, G. & Hunter, M. Organising and arranging a Balint group for trainees in psychiatry. Psychiatric Bulletin 2003; 27: 434–6.
- Ghetti, C., Chang, J., Gosman, G.Burnout, Psychological Skills, and Empathy: Balint Training in Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 2009 Dec; 231-235.
- Gill, CH. Tensions in general practice. Journal of the Balint Society. 1985; 13: 10-16.
- Horder, J. The first Balint group. British Journal of General Practice. 2001; 51 (473): 1038-1039.
- Johnson, A.H., Nease, D.E., Milberg, L.C., Addison, R.B. Essential characteristics of effective Balint group leadership. Family Medicine. 2004; 36 (4): 253-259.
- Jones, E., Salinsky, J. Assessing the effect of a Balint weekend. Postgraduate Education for General Practic. 1993; 4: 111-116.
- Kjeldmand, D., Holmström, I. Balint Groups as a Means to Increase Job Satisfaction and Prevent Burnout Among General Practitioners. Annals of Family Medicine. 2008; 6 (2): 138-145.
- Kjeldmand, D., Holmström, I., Rosenqvist, U. Balint training makes GPs thrive better in their job. Patient Educ Couns. 2004; 55(2): 230-235.
- Lakasing, E. Michael Balint — an outstanding medical life. BJGP. 2005; 55 (518): 723-724.
- Main, T. Some medical defences against involvement with patients. Journal of the Balint Society. 1978; 6: 3-11.
- Mills, T. and Smith, M. Metabolizing difficult doctor-patient relationships: reflections on a Balint group for higher trainees. British Journal of Psychotherapy 2015; 31 (3): 390–400.
- Pinder, R., McKee A., Sackin, P., Salinsky, J., Samuel, O., Suckling, H. Talking about my patient: the Balint approach in GP education. Occasional Paper 87. London: Royal College of General Practitioners; 2006.
- Salinsky, J.The Balint movement worldwide: present state and future outlook: a brief history of Balint around the world. Am J Psychoanal. 2002; 62 (4): 327-335.
- Samuel, O. How doctors learn in Balint groups. Family Practice. 1989; 6: 108-113.
- Scheingold, L. Balint work in England: lessons for American family medicine. Journal of Family Practice. 1988; 26 (3): 315-320.
- Turner, A.L., Malm, R.L. A preliminary investigation of Balint and non-Balint behavioural medicine training. Family Medicine. 2004; 36 (2): 114-117.
- Van Roy, K., Vanheule, S. and Inslegers, R. Research on Balint groups: A literature review. Patient Education and Counseling 2015 (98) 6: 685–694.