Cancellation policy for Balint Society events
The Balint Society tries to make events cost neutral, so our cancellation policy aims to ensure that we cover our costs, but no more. Cancellation requests should be sent in writing to Balint Events. Cancellation requests received 4 weeks before an event start date will be refunded in full. After this date the following cancellation policy will apply:
Where no venue costs are incurred by the Society, the fee paid minus the Balint Society Administration charge of £25.00 will be made. For payments made by bank transfer, the bank account name and number must be included with the cancellation request so that the refund can be arranged.
Where venue costs attributable to a delegate are incurred, this amount plus the Balint Society Administration charge of £25.00 will be deducted from the fee paid before a refund is issued. For very late cancellations, this may mean that no refund is possible as the Society will be committed to pay the venue.
In the case of payment by Trusts, an alternative delegate may be sent to the event free of charge.
Please note that when a delegate does not attend, no refund can be issued. In the circumstance that the event has to be cancelled by us, the Balint Society will provide a full refund to delegates.
Occasionally it is necessary to make late changes to an event programme and the Society reserves the right to do this.
If the event is cancelled for reasons without our control, such as the event being under-subscribed, we will refund the fee but will not be liable for any expenses incurred by you in making arrangements to attend the event. Please ensure you have adequate travel insurance.
Delegates must ensure that their place on the Balint event has been confirmed before booking travel and accommodation.