The Society organises a series of events through the year, designed to bring members together, both online and face to face, in support of our programme to develop the expertise of members and leaders. We are increasingly aiming to run events across all regions of the UK. 

We are also able to publish details of relevant events organised by other organisations, so if you are aware of events that may be of value to our members, please let us know.

Balint and Fresh Perspectives

The Balint Society is extremely happy to invite you to our annual live event, the very longstanding Oxford Balint Weekend hosted at historic Corpus Christi College.

It is a great event as a first introduction to Balint work, to participate in an ordinary group for your own practice, for further leadership training and to meet the Balint community. Our theme for the weekend is Balint and Fresh Perspectives and we are delighted to welcome our guest speaker Dr Richard Taylor, Consultant Psychiatrist in Medical Psychotherapy and Complex Care Lead, Anna Freud Centre, London.




4th to the 6th October 2024

This weekend event will provide an opportunity for clinical and other professions and those in training to explore their feelings about patients in the safety of small groups. Balint groups provide a framework for reflecting on our practice. Michael Balint described the clinician as the most potent drug. This work aims to increase therapeutic effectiveness and develop self-awareness.

Venue: To be held at Malone House, Barnett Demesne, Belfast 

CPD: Approved for 10 External Credits by College of Psychiatry Ireland

This conference is open to multi-disciplinary professionals. Both Classic Balint groups and a Leaders Group will be available.

Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd November 2024
Balint groups across the professions

We are delighted to announce the Leeds Balint study day taking place on Friday 6th December 2024 at the Leeds Metropole Hotel. The title for this year’s study day is, “Balint groups across the professions.” 

As part of the event, we will also be hosting our Balint Society Annual General Meeting followed by drinks. 

We hope you will be able to join us for this fascinating and thought-provoking event in the vibrant city of Leeds. 

Registrations to open in the early Autumn. 

If you'd like to join our waiting list to be notified when registration opens please email - administrator [at]

6th December 2024