Balint Weekends

Balint weekends are held four times a year, in pleasant locations, with time to socialise, explore and relax. The weekends are an opportunity to meet with other colleagues who are interested in Balint from many different disciplines including General Practice, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counselling, other health related professions and now teaching, from all over the country.   We often have international colleagues as well.  As well as being part of a Balint group which meets several times over the weekend, you can sometimes observe a demonstration group and discuss the group process, and there may be a keynote talk.  One of the weekends usually offers the experience of a Balint Psychodrama Group. A leadership training group is also available, run in parallel to the ordinary groups and which counts towards leadership accreditation. You do not have to be a member of the Society to attend, though membership carries the advantage of a lower fee. There are a limited number of subsidised places available for students. Residential and non-residential options are available.

Balint Leaders’ Training Days

Balint leader training days are often run along similar lines to the leadership workshops at Balint weekends.  There may also be opportunities to discuss your Balint group.  The workshops are normally aimed at those with some experience of leading a Balint or case discussion group and count towards accreditation. If you are interested in becoming a group leader but do not have any experience please contact accreditationatbalintsociety [dot] org [dot] uk (accreditation[at]balintsociety[dot]org[dot]uk) in the first instance. 

Balint Leaders' Peer Supervision Groups

Balint leaders’ peer supervision groups provide an opportunity for leaders to come together to discuss their groups and their roles as leaders, as well as generic issues around leadership.  Attending group leaders’ supervision supports the pathway to accreditation. We would like to establish more leaders’ supervision groups nationally. If there are a number of Balint groups in your area for medical students, trainees or others you might like to establish your own group leaders workshop.  

If you would like any advice or support with this please contact accreditationatbalintsociety [dot] org [dot] uk (accreditation[at]balintsociety[dot]org[dot]uk)

Balint Society Annual Dinner

The annual dinner is a social event at which the Society welcomes members, guests and Balint enthusiasts to enjoy a meal together in a pleasant setting, and hear from an interesting after dinner speaker. For the last few years, the dinner has followed on from a Study Day focussing on Leadership.

Michael Balint Memorial Lecture

This lecture is delivered every two years. The lecture is delivered by a GP or a Psychotherapist at alternate events. Podcasts of the last three lectures can be found on Our Podcasts page.