As an interdisciplinary publication, The Journal of the Balint Society accept submissions of research articles, methods papers, review articles, position statements, visual and audio submissions, creative writing, and reviews, comments and responses, related to the journal’s aims and aspirations.

  • Research articles (8000 words) should describe the outcomes and application of unpublished original research, either empirical, theoretical/conceptual or historical. These should make a substantial contribution to knowledge and understanding of the Balint tradition and its relationship to other fields of knowledge.
  • Methods papers and papers on technique (8000 words) should outline new approaches to Balint group work, and discuss potential applications and significance of this new approach. In addition, papers that critique or modify existing methodologies and approaches are welcome.
  • Review papers (8000 words) can cover topics such as current controversies or the historical development of Balint groups as well as issues of regional or temporal focus.
  • Visual, audio and creative writing submissions can be made in standard formats, and must include an accompanying written commentary (1000 words), situating the visual work in relation to the Balint tradition. Video and audio contributions should be submitted as RealPlayer, MP3 and Quicktime formats. They should be submitted ready-compressed at the desired quality, suitable for streaming at broadband speeds. If you wish to include a different file format, please contact the editors.
  • Position statements (2-3000 words) are short pieces that outline an area of research (empirical, theoretical, or related to technique) that is in its early stages, and lays out the premise for this research, early research findings, and potential ways in which it will be developed.
  • Reviews, commentaries, responses (500-1500) are short pieces that reflect, comment on, or engage with books, films, archival material, exhibitions, and other public events that relate to the aims of the journal.

Word limits include all referencing and citation.