Of note for those members already on the accreditation pathway, you will only be expected to meet the pre-June 2023 accreditation requirements. The pre-June 2023 criteria can be seen at the bottom of this page.

Please email the accreditation team if you have any further enquiries.

Leadership Accreditation

To join the Balint Society Leadership accreditation pathway, you first need to become a MEMBER of the Society. Membership needs to be maintained once you have become accredited.

become a member

Leadership Accreditation

The Balint Society is keen to encourage members to become accredited group leaders. Support is available throughout the process via the accreditation team accreditationatbalintsociety [dot] org [dot] uk (subject: Website%20enquiry%20for%20the%20accreditation%20team%20) (here).

Training on the accreditation pathway does take time and commitment yet, simultaneously, can be enriching and rewarding. Accreditation requires a portfolio of experience some of which is quite specific. If you are considering joining the Pathway we suggest you contact the accreditation team early in the process. The team will review your completed Balint work and offer clear advice on any further areas you need to work on. 


The Pathway to Accreditation


Firstly, register your interest

  • Express an interest in becoming a Balint group leader by emailing the accreditation team accreditationatbalintsociety [dot] org [dot] uk (subject: Website%20enquiry%20for%20the%20accreditation%20team%20) (here)
  • Fill in personal details and any relevant Balint experience on Form A (see right hand panel on this page) and attach it to your email. The team will then advise you on a training pathway appropriate to your needs
  • Your name will then be entered on the accreditation pathway


Accreditation Criteria 

The aim of training is to acquire a set of competencies that are considered essential for all accredited Balint leaders (laid out below). The following criteria need to be met in order to become an accredited leader. Please note that the criteria are slightly different for those with psychoanalytic / psychodynamic qualifications. 


Balint group member experience

  • To attend at least 30 Balint groups as an ordinary member in an ongoing group
  • If you have a formalised psychoanalytic / psychodynamic training with an associated qualification (eg. UKCP/BPC), you need to to attend at least 12 Balint groups as an ordinary member in an ongoing group

Balint group leader experience

  • To lead a minimum of 30 groups, preferably with a Balint Society accredited co-leader 
  • To attend at least 2 Balint Society weekend leadership events or 4 leadership days run by the Society. Attendance at one weekend event is encouraged for a Balint group immersive experience.


  • To have completed 9 supervision sessions with a recognised Balint group supervisor. At least some supervisions sessions with your co-leader are recommended
  • Your supervisor should be a different person from your co-leader
  • To join a Balint Society funded supervision group for those on the accreditation pathway for at least 6 sessions (the accreditation team can provide contact details of supervisors and of the Balint Society leadership supervision groups that it runs)
  • To regularly review progress towards achieving Balint group leader competencies with supervisors

Applying for Accreditation

  • When you and your supervisors agree that the Balint Group Leader competencies have been achieved and the above accreditation criteria met, submit an updated Form A to the accreditation team (see right hand panel on this page)
  • Ask your supervisors to provide a written reference on Form R (see right hand panel opposite) which will then be shared with you and forwarded to the accreditation team [of note - it is the applicant's responsibility to chase the submission of Form R from their supervisor]


  • Your application plus references will be reviewed by the accreditation team. The team will decide if you have completed all the requirements for accreditation
  • If the requirements for accreditation have not been attained, the team will suggest any further steps you may need to take
  • If all requirements for accreditation have been attained, the team will recommend you for accreditation at the next full Council meeting
  • The Balint Council will then send you an email confirmation of your successful accreditation
  • The Balint Society Council UK holds overall responsibility for an individual's accreditation. Appeals can be made directly to Council about any decision


Overall competencies of a Balint group leader

In order to be accredited as a Balint group leader you need to attain the following competencies:

  • To have an awareness and understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of the Balint group approach and model of working
  • To understand the importance of protecting the frame and the boundaries of the Balint group
  • To encourage the development of a safe, open and exploratory space within the Balint group
  • To focus the work of exploration of the relationship between the patient/client and the doctor/professional, rather than giving advice or solutions, counselling or teaching
  • To demonstrate an awareness of the unconscious and parallel processes that may affect the task of the Balint group
  • To demonstrate an openness to reflect upon, and curiosity to learn and develop their own personal style of leading a Balint group
  • To develop an awareness that their own attitudes and responses may, indeed, will influence the dynamics of the Balint group
  • To recognise that becoming an accredited Balint leader is an ongoing learning process which will require continuing development as a leader 

Finally, we encourage accredited group leaders to engage and contribute to the work of the Balint Society, thereby supporting the future development of Balint group work, locally, and further afield. 

Attachment Size
Pre-June 2023 accreditation criteria 174.89 KB

Accreditation Documents

During 2022/3 the accreditation criteria were reviewed and rewritten in conjunction with Council and the Training and Education Committee. The forms linked below are referenced in the detailed descriptions on this page.

Balint group leader accreditation - Form A - Application form

Balint group leader accreditation - Form R - Supervisor Reference form