The Balint Society collects membership fees using the Direct Debit service provided by GoCardless. Setting up your Direct Debit will only take you a minute and the whole process is secure and encrypted. The Direct Debit Guarantee makes this the safest way to pay and your membership will renew automatically without you needing to do anything. As with all Direct Debits, you can cancel the arrangement at any time.

Membership of the Balint Society costs £70 or €80. If you wish to set up a euro direct debit from Eire or another eurozone country please contact in the first instance.  Otherwise complete your details and follow the instructions on the following page.

Join The Balint Society

Applications for Ordinary Membership will be considered from any person working in a one to one setting with patients or clients, in a therapeutic relationship, who pays the Society’s membership fees.

Applications from students undertaking their initial professional training in any branch of healthcare is especially welcome, at a reduced fee of just £5.00 per annum. To join as a student click here.

Membership *
 Please renew my membership automatically.
Total Amount
Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer and tick the Gift Aid declaration below, the UK government will increase the value of your contribution to The Balint Society by 25% at no extra cost to you.


By selecting 'Yes' above you are confirming that

  1. You are a UK taxpayer
  2. The amount of income and/or capital gains tax you pay is at least as much as we will reclaim on your donations in this tax year

About Gift Aid

Gift Aid increases the value of membership contributions and donations to charities by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. It allows us to claim 25% on top of your donation, for example, on a £50 membership or donation, we can claim back an additional £12.50.

We would like to reclaim gift aid on your behalf. We can only reclaim Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Please confirm that you are eligible for Gift Aid. More about Gift Aid.

Additional membership information
We'll communicate with you almost exclusively via email, so this is a required field. A non-NHS email address is preferable as group emails to NHS addresses can sometimes be blocked.
We are delighted to share with you the latest copy of the Balint Society Journal. This journal will be available in… Read More
For a detailed description of our events click on the link to the right of this page. International meetings: click the… Read More
Please note that this competition has now closed. All entries are currently being judged, and the winners will be… Read More