The Medical Student Engagement Group (MSEG) is holding a free online workshop on Saturday 2nd March2024 from 09.00-13.00 for all Society members who are involved in working with medical student groups or are planning to establish them. The morning will involve both large and small group discussions focusing on the issues, challenges and rewards of this work as well as providing an opportunity for linking up with others engaged in this work.

Further information will be available nearer the date.

If you wish to attend this event please contact Joanne, our Balint Administrator at administrator [at] - please indicate:

- whether you are an accredited Balint leader
- whether you are currently leading a medical student group and where
- whether you are planning to set up a student Balint group in the next 12 months.
- whether there are specific issues you would wish to focus upon. 

Event Dates
Saturday 2nd March 2024 from 9:00am to 1:00pm on Zoom