Understanding the emotional content of the doctor-patient relationship

Founded in 1969 for the study of the doctor-patient relationship, the UK Balint Society continues to promote and develop the legacy of psychoanalysts Michael and Enid Balint whose work and ideas remain at the heart of all that we do.

Having recently celebrated our 50th anniversary, we are pleased to report that the Society is in very good health. From its earliest beginnings in supporting the work of General Practitioners, we now bring together a diverse range of professional groupings, from health, social care, and beyond. During the Covid pandemic, the Society was quickly able to support and develop the transition to on-line working which has had unexpected benefits in enabling us to connect those working in far-flung or rural locations. 

We hope you find our new website useful and informative. Please get in touch if you have suggestions about how we might improve what we are already offering here. 

Enid and Michael Balint

Belfast Balint Conference 2024

Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd November 2024

This weekend event will provide an opportunity for clinical and other professions and those in training to explore their feelings about patients in the safety of small groups. Balint groups provide a framework for reflecting on our practice.… Read More

For further detail and to book click HERE

Leeds Balint Study Day, Metropole Hotel

Balint groups across the professions

6th December 2024

We are delighted to bring to you our Leeds Balint event.

This one-day event will be taking place at the Met Hotel, Leeds.

The theme for this year’s study day is, “Balint groups across the professions.” 

The day will begin… Read More

For further detail and to book click HERE