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Editor: Philip Hopkins

The Doctor, His Patient and the Illness, Michael Balint
Tensions in General Practice, Michael Balint Memorial Lecture, 1985. Cyril H. Gill
The Basis, Specificity and Perspectives in Balint-Work, Arthur Trenkel
International Balint Memorial Congress, 1986
Proceedings of the Sixth International Balint Conference, Montreux, 1984
They — Us — and Him, Max Mayer
Psychotherapy in General Practice, Andrew Elder
The Balint Society Prize Essay, 1986
From the Annual General Meeting, 1985:
Presidential Address, Jack Norell
Secretary’s Report, Peter Graham
Report: Balint in Ascona, 1985
The Balint Documentation Centre, Ascona
Book Review
Report: Oxford Balint Weekend, 1985
Programme of Meetings for Sixteenth Session 1985-6
The Balint Society Council, 1985-6