Frontispiece: Handing over the Journal
The Balint Society
Diary of the Balint Society events, 2011-2012
The Web Site
Editorials: John Salinsky, Tom McAnea
Research Paper:
‘Balint group leaders in Israel': Ruth Hakim, Benyamin Maoz, Stanley Rabin and Andre Matalon
Personal Papers:
‘What Kind of Doctor? A resident’s search for identity’: Alan Johnson
‘Balint group architecture - a response to “Sitting In or Sitting Out’” : Jeffrey Stemlieb
‘A very short introduction to Balint group’s: John Salinsky
‘Balint group leadership: where are we now?’ : Andrew Elder
‘Balint Society and Enrichment - a student’s reflection’: Josephine Holt
Balint Society Prize Essay 2011: ‘What is the role of a medical student in the care of patients’:
Lara Curran
Lectures 2010-2011
‘Don Quixote, Sancho Pancha and the medically unexplained symptoms’: John Salinsky
Oxford W eekend keynote address, 2010: ‘Renewal through reflection’ by Michael Courtenay
Obituary: Dr Peter Graham
Secretary's Report: David Watt
International Balint Federation: Heather Suckling
Report from the first biennial Balint group leadership conference: Andrew Elder
Whalley Abbey weekend: Caroline Palm er
Pictures: Balint on the beach (Northumberland) and at Whalley Abbey
The Balint Society Prize Essay 2012
The Balint Society Council 2010-2011
Guidance for contributors