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Editor: Philip Hopkins
Assistant editor: John Salinsky
The Balint Society
12th Michael Balint Memorial Lecture: Jonathan Sklar
‘The Observed Infant of Attachment Theory,’ Juliet Hopkins
‘Hanging by a Thread’: The History of Balint in Britain 1972-99, John Salinsky
‘Questions which might be relevant to student understanding of ill people,’ Prof. Nigel Oswald
Original article: ‘The Empathic Holding of the Patient’s Psychosomatic Anxiety in the Consultation,’ Sotiris Zalidis.
Prize winning essays 1999: ‘Empathy based medicine’: Don Bryant and Boyd Ghosh
Obituary: Dr. Aaron Lask
The 1999 Balint Oxford Weekend: a medical student’s view, Rebecca Gledhill
Secretary’s Report: David Watt
The International Balint Federation: John Salinsky
From the Annual Dinner: address by Chris Donovan
The 11th International Balint Congress, Oxford, 1999: John Salinsky
Balint weekend in Ripon: David Watt
The Balint Society Prize Essay, 2000
The International Balint Award for Medical Students (Ascona), 2000
Programme of meetings of the Balint Society, 1999/2000
The Balint Society Council, 1999/2000
Instructions for Contributors