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Editor: John Salinsky
Editor emeritus: Philip Hopkins

Frontispiece: Dr. Jack Norell
The Balint Society
The Web Site
Editorial: The benefits of Balint

Personal Papers:
‘Balint group discussion as a prophylaxis for ‘burnout’ in physical medicine’: Lars Hardelin
‘Thoughts on different intervals between Balint group meetings’: Mike Courtenay
‘GP registrar Balint groups: research in progress’: Paul Sackin

Lectures in 2000-2001:
‘Michael and Enid Balint: my experience of their contribution’: John Horder
‘Snakes and ladders; another look at the body mind problem’: Jeffrey Roberts
‘Doctors on the Edge’: Linden West

The Balint Society prize essay 2002 ‘Six sessions for the patient’: Donald Bryant
An essay from Croatia: ‘Relationships in contemporary medical practice’: Ena Grbc

Papers from Oxford, 2001:
‘The Key to the Door’: Katrín Fjeldsted
‘Can hospitals embrace Balint: a study of a paediatric care unit’s response’: Polly Blacker
‘Cambridge students at the Oxford weekend’
Pictures from Oxford 2001

Book Reviews:
‘A General Practitioner, his Patients and their Feelings’ by Sotiris Zalidis (Paul Sackin)
‘Medicine and Literature’ by John Salinsky (Marie Campkin)
‘The International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis’ (Michelle Moreau Ricaud)
Obituaries: Dr. Jack Norell; Dr. Jacques Dufey; Prof. Muradif Kulenovic

Secretary’s Report: David Watt
The International Balint Federation: John Salinsky
The 12th International Balint Congress in Portoroz, Slovenia
‘United colours of Balintians’: Marie-Anne Puel

The 13th International Balint Congress in Berlin, October 2003
The Balint Society Prize Essay 2002
International Balint Awards for medical students (Ascona) 2003
Programme of meetings of the Balint Society 2002-2003
APP Conference: Making the Most of Brief Encounters in Primary Care
The Balint Society Council 2002-2003
Guidance for contributors