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Editor: John Salinsky
Editor emeritus: Philip Hopkins
Frontispiece: Dr. Heather Suckling
The Balint Society
Editorial: Is Balint good for patients?
The Web Site
Personal Papers:
‘The watering eye: weeping without sadness’: Alexis Brook and Sotiris Zalidis
‘Making sense of the functional symptom: “watering eyes” in terms of emotions’: Sotiris Zalidis
‘Making the strange familiar and the unfamiliar strange: an ethnographer at work with the Balint Society’: Ruth Pinder
Lectures in 2002-2003:
15th Michael Balint Memorial Lecture: "From Budapest with love: meetings with ochnophils and philobats and the use of verbal and non-verbal shibboleths’: Henry Jablonski
‘On making a decision’: Mike Brearly
The Balint Society Prize Essays 2003:
‘Being someone for someone’: Oliver Samuel
‘The Balint group and the doctor-patient relationship': Pat Tate
‘A case for an impotent apostle’: Ryan Hutchison
Papers from Oxford 2002
Keynote Address: ‘Balint groups from a teacher’s perspective’: Laurel Milberg
‘Metaphors for meddling’: Marie Campkin
‘Hazards and puzzles of irony in Balint groups’: Vladimir Vinokur
Pictures from Oxford 2002
Book Reviews:
Mental Health in Primary Care: editors Andrew Elder and Jeremy Holmes (Marie Campkin)
Supervision and support in Primary Care: editors Jonathan Burton and John Launer (Andrew Dicker)
Emotions in Practice: A study of Balint seminar training as experiential learning for qualified nurses by Jan Savage (David Watt)
Obituary: Boris Luban-Plozza
Secretary’s Report: David Watt
Chester Balint days: Caroline Palmer
The International Balint Federation: John Salinsky
The 13th International Balint Congress in Berlin, October 2003
The Balint Society Prize Essay 2004
International Balint Awards for medical students (Ascona) 2004
Programme of meetings of the Balint Society 2003-2004
The Balint Society Council 2003-2004
Guidance for contributors