This page shows events taking place in other countries that you may wish to attend

Balint work is active in many countries and the International Balint Federation brings us together in shared events, such as a biennial Congress held in different countries and in alternate years, a Leadership Conference. The IBF holds its Spring Council meetings at a member country's Balint weekend too. There are also a number of events held by individual national Balint Societies which include Balint groups in English, which we can attend, just as we welcome people from other countries to our events.

6th INTERNATIONAL BALINT GROUP LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE- Belgrade, Serbia  29th September - 1st October 2023

 “Balint leadership under global conditions of uncertainty “

Applicants are invited to attend the Sixth International Balint Group Leadership Conference, which will be held at Hotel Palas in Belgrade, from 29th September– 01st October 2023. Hotel Palas is ideally situated in the heart of the city of Belgrade and will provide a beautiful and peaceful setting for the conference.

The International Balint Federation (IBF) convenes the conference in association with the Balint Society of Serbia. IBF holds a leadership conference every two years. The conference aims to provide a forum for Balint Group leaders worldwide to study Balint Group leadership together. There will be an opportunity to explore issues and themes in Balint Group leadership in more depth.


For all other events please see: