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Editor: John Salinsky
Assistant editor: Mary Salinsky
Frontispiece.Balint weekend at Whalley Abbey
The Balint Society
Programme of meetings of the Balint Society, 2006-2007
The Web Site
Editorial: Room for Balint in the Curriculum?
Response to the draft RCGP curriculum
Competencies and Balint work in US family m edicine
An interview with Ruth Pinder
Personal Papers:
‘Subjectivity and objectivity revisited’: Michael C ourtenay
‘Professional identity development and the psychotherapeutic
function of a residency Balint group': John Freedy
‘Balint groups with young doctors in their foundation year at a
County Hospital in Sweden’: Juanita F o rssel
‘Creativity and passion in Balint group leaders’: Stanley Rabin
‘Late understandings on death and love’: Andre Matalon
Lectures in 2005-2006:
‘Tolstoy’s emotional understanding in Anna Karenina': Sotiris Zalid is
‘Kafka joins the Balint Society’: John Salinsky
'Hable con Ella: The talking cure from Freud to Almadovar’: Andrea Sabbadini
"The whole truth’: Michael Sheldon
'Talking about my Patient' by Ruth Pinder et al: Richard Addison
'Suburban Shaman’ by Cecil Helman: Sotiris Zalidis
Secretary's Report: David Watt
International Balint Federation: Heather Suckling
14th International Balint Congress. Stockholm. 2005
Balint Weekend at Whalley Abbey
Occasional paper 87 (RCGP)
15th International Balint Congress. Lisbon 2007
The Balint Society Prize Essay 2007
International Balint Awards for medical students (Ascona) 2007
The Balint Society Council 2006-2007
Guidance for contributors