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Editor: John Salinsky
Assistant editor: Mary Salinsky
Editor emeritus: Philip Hopkins

Frontispiece: A meeting of the Balint Society Council
The Balint Society
Programme of meetings of the Balint Society, 2005-2006
The Web Site
Editorial: The Doctor, his Patient and the Illness - revisited

Personal Papers
‘A Balint study of difficult doctor-patient relationships that cause diagnostic and management dilemmas’: Clive D. Brock, Alan H. Johnson, Richelle J. Koopman, Alexander W. Chessman and Jonathan L. Sack
‘Do we really have a choice?’: Louis Velluet (a French response to last year’s editorial)
‘The introduction of Balint work into Sweden’: Kerstin Kaij
‘Reflections on A Fortunate Man': Sotiris Zalidis

Lectures in 2002-2003:
‘On Attending Michael Balint’s student group in 1961-2’: Sonya Baksi
16th Michael Balint Memorial Lecture: ‘One in a Million’: Paul Sack
‘Reflections on the Balint Memorial Lecture: “One in a Million”: Jean Penman
‘Teaching psychotherapy to medical students’: Peter Shoenberg

Pictures from Stockholm August 2005
The Balint Society Prize Essay 2005:
‘Making space for the doctor-patient relationship through Balint training in the first year of medical school’: Andrew L. Turner
Oxford 2004
Keynote Address: ‘Balint and the clash of cultures’: Andrew Elder
Pictures from the Annual Dinner 2005
Book Review: ‘Beyond depression’ by Christopher Dowrick: John Salinsky
Obituaries: Mark Sundle by Oliver Samuel
Max Meyer by Michael Courtenay

Secretary’s Report: David Watt
Balint in Russia: current news: Vladimir Vinokur
International Balint Federation: Heather Suckling

The Balint Society Prize Essay 2006
The Balint Society Council 2005-2006
International Balint Awards for medical students (Ascona) 2006
Guidance for contributors